Another, here’s a short blog with the latest. Bibou brought home a huge parcel the other day from school and it contained basically everything she’s done throughout the year! Really nice painting and drawings, and a log of what she’d ‘learnt’ through the year. There were also a couple of really cute photos of Bibou. They’d of course taken a photo of her on her birthday as I’d baked a cake (she’s the only child in her class to celebrate her 3rd birthday! Everyone else celebrated their 4th birthday – she was in the ‘older’ class as we wanted her to be in the same class as Dan), there were a couple of photos of her interacting in the class and I loved the one of her with a crocked smile – never seen that before ;). Finally, my all time favorite is of her on a field trip to a chateau where they got dressed up as princesses and knights. She must have had a great time as a princess ;-)
Enjoy this batch of pictures (mostly taken over the weekend with some friends over for a BBQ) and videos. Oh, I had to snap this photo of Angel sleeping! She has this knack of falling asleep in any position! She’s a BIG and rather violent ‘mover’ in her sleep; moving position frequently and always in all different directions. She normally ends up in funny ‘pretzel’ like positions!
An excellent example of Bibou's generosity! Though she LOVES popcorn and she knows that there is only a small limited amount in the bowl for her, she was more than willing to share with her sister. The video is blurrier than usual because I was snapping it from afar!
Something silly. A little video of our headbopper! hehehe