The girls have been really ill recently. A bad case of gastro (stomach flu) hit the school
s, and of course it hit us. Ai! It was a mean one for sure! Bibou got it first and she just DIDN’T, Couldn’t stop barfing. We changed the sheets a couple of times the first night. My poor girlie, she barfed so much that she broke loads of tiny blood vessels in her face. She was just heaving and heaving. She didn’t eat nor drink much the next few days (I was getting really worried and about to take her to the h
ospital by the end of the third day. But she finally agreed to take something and ke
ep it down! But poor girlie, all she did was lie on the sofa. She was really out of it. And then of course baby sister followed suit. And she just didn’t quite understand what was happening. And she was hungry and thirsty all the time and wanted to gobble everything up (of course it just keeps coming right up). I’m just glad it’s all over… until the next emergency of course. Ah such is the life of parenthood.
But oh mi gosh. Have you noticed any difference in Angel? Like… she’s no longer a baby? How did that happen sob sob!!! Where’s my baby girl gone? And it’s not just in the pictures, she
doesn’t behave like a baby anymore. She’s definitely a little girl. She’s a great eater, and can eat on her own already. And she does! She won’t let you feed her most of the time. She’s also not a very fussy eater, will eat most things (except tomatoes – just like her mummy :)) She wants to go everywhere her sister goes and do everything her big sister does. She loves ‘helping’ in the kitchen also, though it’s never much help! Though she
doesn’t say a lot (her favorite right now is “Dadddddddddddyyyyyyyy”), she mimics a lot. She does speak on both languages (c’est pas grave, Je sais pas), and she does understands very well in both languages (whether she does what she’s told is another thing!!). But most importantly
, she gives lovely hugs and kisses now. It’s heavenly. Oh and she likes boys!!! When we have guests with kids around her age, she just automatically goes towards the boys. She won’t kiss the girls, but would chase the bo
ys for one! Starting young already! She is, however, heading too quickly towards the ‘terrible twos’ already. She’s starting to hit, or screech and throw herself on the floor when she can’t get what she wants. We do try to ignore or distract her more of the time. She is, however, getting to know the corner very well. I do, however,
love the picture of her in the corner. Just too cute!
Bibou’s enjoying her time in school a lot, especially her English class. And she’s just so sw
eet. It’s always “I Love You Mummy / Daddy”, or making a ‘present’ for us (often a picture) or picking flowers for us. She’s always saying ‘Oh do you remember …..” this and that. Do you remember when we went to xxx, do you remember when you bought xx for me. She does chatter non-stop. She still loves to dre
ss up in pretty dresses and skirts though it isn’t much of a fight anymore. And she can and does dress herself up all by herself….though we do help the process along. Oh and she’s just learnt to wink…. Hence the cu
te photo of her winking…. She loves to show off her new ‘tricks’. She has an artistic streak in her (didn't get THAT from me), she loves (and is able to) paint, draw, create etc. She seems to be able to recreate too. She made that crown that she's wearing in this picture.
Enjoy this batch of photos and videos!
Here's my little cutie, playing 'house' and then chasing G for a kiss! For reference, G's more than 1/2 year older than her!
Isn't she such a big girl already? Sob sob.
Having fun on the merry go round.