Saturday, July 01, 2006

Another fun filled day!

Well, Bibou sure woke up 'early' today... ie no lie in for us, and so we thought, shucks, why not, let's take her out to another place that's fun! We finally decided that she had quite a bit of sun yesterday, so we took her to ludimax, a huge indoor multi-storied amusement structure that is all padded and lets the kiddies climb, roll, tumble, slide to the hearts content. It is a great place to hold b'day parties as we came to learn - no less than 6 kids were celebrating their birthdays there that day.
She has a great memory! As we came out of the car in the car park, Bibou got all very excited (even before seeing the building!).
She was there about 4 months ago when Kong kong and mahmah were here... 4 months, that must be a lifetime for Bibou's age no? In any case, yes she remembered! Oh and get this, she started 'counting'... though I'm not sure if she realizes that she was counting. We were playing our little 'swing' game where Bibou's between both of us and hanging on to each of us. I started doing the 'Onnne, Twooooo and three" and then we swing her forward. We've been doing this for, ooo a good couple of months already.. and at every opportunity, I do try to 'count' 1, 2, 3. ohh la lah, did she surprise us today when she said something very similiar to oneeee, twwoooo, THREE! to get us swinging her!
Anyway, once inside, off she went. She was really excited, and we were amazed (I guess we shouldn't any more!) to see how much she'd 'improved'. She really didn't have any problems with the climbing. Daddy was behind her most of the time to spot her, but she really didn't need any help. To think that this is normally only for kids 2 years and above.
She totally enjoyed the mini merry go round where the kids had to han
g on and spin round and round. Even though it made her dizzy and she couldn't walk straight after a spin, she always wanted more. What really took me by surprise, was her fear of the slide, the huge slides that they had. She LOVED them previously and though it was obviously scary to her (by the looks on her face - you may remember in our previously posted photos on the main website), she kept wanting to go back for the slides over again. This time no. She sat on top of the slide, looked down, and our little dare devil was afraid. She didn't want to go down at all. There may be hope! (that she is after all, not that a don't care dare devil!).
We got home to another hot day, and into the pool we went. After the dip, Bibou played in her s
andpit while we lounged on our deck chairs and laid in the hot sun, catching some rays. Ok, so who says you need to go to the beach during the summer to
enjoy water, sand and sun! We got it all in the privacy of our own backyard. The best part... it was all free, and we didn't have to fight the crowd yippppee! Later in the late afternoon, the kids from next door came over to enjoy the pool too.


Anonymous said...

Waaah... that indoor jungle gym thing sure looks fun. Wish I was a kid again!

BibouMummy said...

Actually, don't need to be a kid again. All you need is a kid and you can go and have fun with them... the adults are allowed on the jungle gym! Chris goes on it to 'spot' Bibou!