Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday Morning with Bibou

This morning, Bibou decided that she wanted to dress herself! So Daddy let her pick out her clothes to wear today. It was a little bit funny, very colorful mix of clothes, but more importantly, she's starting to exert her independance in every decision that is made. We certainly try to give her the freedom to express herself as much as possible, but ensuring that she's not hurt in any way. She is quite quite stubborn like her Daddy. She will try and stand her ground as much and long as possible and refuses to back down, even if it means a time-out. In fact, sometimes she would choose to go to the corner instead of apologizing! She will do her time-out though despite tears and tantrums... though there are times when she's so defiant, she'll do a jiggle, wiggle and sing in her corner, turning around to taunt you! Arrgggh!

She is still quite determined to help out as much as possible (well, in her own way of course... doesn't mean that she does help :)). Still one of her favorite thing to do is help in the kitchen. I would place her on the counter and she'll hand me stuff while I cook. She's still very very curious, most time, the every other sentence that she utters is 'c'est quoi ca' (What's that?) and will repeat whatever we say.
She's eating very well on her own, using the knife, fork and spoon like an expert. (whether it ends up in her mouth or floor is another matter!) She eats whole fruits, peeling them all by herself first (like oranges / mandarins, bananas). In fact, she insists on peeling them herself, again an example of how she wants to do things herself. Sometimes, she gets upset, like REALLY upset if you try and do things for her.

Her teacher at the creche mentioned that she sings and dances very well. In fact, the other day when I picked her up at her special full day at the creche day, we started singing her favorite English songs and they were amazed that she can even do English songs! (given that they've only heard her sing French ones). She can sing whole songs by herself now.

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