Friday, November 02, 2007

I've been Meme!

No... it doesn't sound dangerous nor bad or even rude. What is it? Well, when I tried to look it up on Wiki, it came up with this whole techy non-answer (to me anyway) : . But the best answer I could find is from my dear ole friend S of East meets West (who originally 'memed' me): It's like an internet 'tag' thingy. So here goes my first meme :
5 Things :
A. Found in my Room
  1. Books, Books Books
  2. Angel's smell (as she sleeps, poos, pees in our room)
  3. Laundry waiting to be folded
  4. Body lotions of all sorts as my skin's always so dry
  5. Electric blanket as it can never be too warm for me in bed (much to the chagrin of DH who prefers it cool)

B. I have always wanted to

  1. Open up a restaurant or caterering service
  2. Cook and bake non-stop
  3. Travel around the world
  4. Spend a few weeks pampered in luxurious wonder like at a spa in Maldives
  5. Read non-stop
C. Found in my Bag
  1. My inhaler (for asthma)
  2. Wallet with credit card
  3. Phone that is always dead
  4. Boutiques discount cards
  5. Pen

D. Found in my Wallet

  1. Credit cards
  2. Picture of Bibou
  3. Drivers licence
  4. Health Insurance paper
  5. Carte vital

E. I am currently into

  1. Blogging!
  2. Finding new recipes to try
  3. Finding time to spend with the girls
  4. Finding time for volunteer (MESSAGE and SCF)
  5. Thinking about X'mas plans.

5 Candidates to Tag :


Anonymous said...

Oh jeez!!! Thanks for this! :-( Give me a day or two and I will put it up.

BibouMummy said...

LOL. Don't you worry, it took me a few weeks to respond to my meme :) Have fun!!