Thursday, April 03, 2008


Well, it certainly has been a rather eventful few weeks culminating into a nasty asthma attack. It all started Easter weekend. We were up early for the annual MESSAGE Easter Egg Hunt. I’d prepared all the name tags and we were super excited about the event this year, as we were sure that Bibou was now finally old enough to understand all about chocolate egg hunting! (if you remember from previous years, Bibou wasn’t into it at all, and didn’t ‘hunt’ for the eggs). This year, oh yes, she understood it all, in fact, she was very clever too, as she realized that Mummy was the Easter Egg ‘hider’, and all she had to do was follow Mummy and pick up the eggs that she throws / hides. Smart cookie eh. I had to keep trying to hide from her! But we had fun. However, the weather wasn’t too nice at all! It was damp and cold, and then it started drizzling (and slowly became heavier). The girls were all nicely covered so I was the only fool to be standing in the rain unprotected and over a long period of time. Then the next day, while taking Angel on a walk in the park (boy did I miss that! Thank god winter is finally over), it started raining and so I got soaked again. Needless to say, I got sick. First, bad cold / sinus infection (everything was blocked and I had NO, ZERO taste – I couldn’t taste a thing – cooking was a challenge) and bronchitis (which is ‘normal’ for me unfortunately). Angel went down next, with high fever and apparently an ear infection that poor girly. Josephine was next, with also a high fever, but ‘fortunately’ all she had was a bad sore throat and the ‘flu’. We had called the SOS Medecine, which is the emergency doctor on call, whom you can call and they’ll come to your house for a visit. Isn’t that great! And it’s free too! Gotta love the French medical system. So the doctor came and saw the three of us and provided loads of medication. However, over the weekend, I took a turn for the worst and the pain was so unsettling that I couldn’t function anymore. We called the SOS Medcine again, and another one turned up, who prescribed a new type of medication that I’d not taken before. Bad mistake… I must have been allergic to it, ‘coz on Sunday night I didn’t sleep as I just coughed all night. The next morning, thinking that I must be over it, I went to work, only to find that I had difficulty breathing. It deteriorated very quickly, and when my boss P came into my office to speak to me, he realized that I was in very bad shape and rushed to get the 'pompiers' (the fireman actually, but they’re medically trained and come in an ambulance). By then I was in and out of consciousness, my fingers and hands were numbed and I was just gasping for air, air that wouldn’t go in. I’m just so lucky that P kept calm (he’s always very calm) and talked me through it. I vaguely remember him calling out to me, telling me that I can breathe, I’m ok, and that help was on its way. I couldn’t answer him though. The pompiers came soon (I think!), and once the oxygen mask was on me, I felt better already but a bit shocked to see where I was. I was still pale etc and they whisked me to the hospital where I got another oxygen mask filled with ventoline. I was also put on some strong steroids which I don’t like, but hey, at least I’m not gasping for air.

What a trip! Anyway, the girls are doing well now, as I am. Here are some new photos of the girls and a video of Angel giggling away playing ‘coucou’ or hide and seek. She’s just adorable isn’t she? She’s getting very vocal, always wanting attention and wanting to be carried. She is VERY voiceful about what she wants. She’s still not crawling, but is cruising against furniture quite well. Oh she’s eating very well still, and even enjoyed a rib bone, much to the chagrin of her father! Now both my girls are born bone chewers just like their mother and grandfather! LOL. Bibou is so sticky with her younger sister. She treats her like another baby doll I guess. She just loves being with her, holding & kissing her and was most thrilled when she could take a bath with her sister. Now she’s constantly asking to have a bath with Angel again. Finally, there’s a picture of their new nanny.

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