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The Big TWO!
My baby girl has turned two, boo hoo. My baby is such a big girl. Well, she is a rather big chubby girl for her age… she wears mostly 3 year old clothes now, whereas Bibou is slim but really tall. Her hair has grown a little, enough for me to tie little plaits which I just love to do hehehe. She is still such as, or if possible, even more bubbly and loves to laugh. She is such a happy go lucky child. And her vocabulary has been increasing at an exponential rate! In the video below, you can see the exchange between us. We love to ask
“ Seraphine, how old are you”? She’d promptly reply with “twwwwwwwo”, while putting a couple of pudgy fingers out. Really cute. She has a repertoire that she goes through with me all the time, and adding new words that she picks up. Oh, and she’s really pic
ked up her sister’s love for clothes and staring at herself in the mirror! Recently, I’ve just completely rehaul her wardrobe and so she’s got a lot of
new outfits (they’re really not new as they’re hand-me-downs’ from Bibou…but she’s not seen them before nor worn them, so she was really happy). So each morning, after I’d put on a new pretty dress, she would go “wowwwwwwwww”, smooth down the dress and then rush to the mirror to look at herself!!! Really. Every morning. Oh and she’s also taken to saying “ta-
dum” whenever she feels she’s done something ‘big’ and wants you to comment on it. These are really cute things that tickle
us every day. Other observations that crack me up : she hates cold floors, (anything cold really, and she will complain “cold cold”) and so when she’s without her slippers and steps on the cold bathroom floor, she’d tiptoe across the floor very quickly to get to the wooden side or the mat! She ALWAYS answers to her name with a ‘HUH?’… She can roll her eyes when she thinks that something is funny or not funny; and she loves her sister to bits (though she loves bullying he
r); she still loves to dance and sing, and is now able to follow the actions on various of her favorite song. Actually
she even can sing twinkle twinkle little star (well, 1 sentence). She’s very sensitive to other people’s feelings though, esp Bibou. The other day, they were both in the garden, while I was in the kitchen and Bibou had stubbed her toe and was crying. Seraphine first started calling me, “Mummy Mummy, then came running to get me, pulled me out to the g
arden, telling me that “Bibou, boo-boo, pleur” (translation – Bibou has a boo-boo and is crying). She loves tattling on Bibou esp when they’ve had a dispute. And she loves shoes. Just loves shoes. She also loves to help you put your shoes on.
If she sees you putting on socks, she’d run to get your shoes and slip them on for you..ditto your slippers.
Last week was a celebration of her birthday. First we went to Disney and had lunch with the princesses. On her birthday itself, Daddy made mickey pancakes and then it was time to open presents. As Seraphine has la
tely been taking her socks and putting her hands into them, Daddy went out and got her some… hand puppets! Lovely. For the garden, I got her a little slide and the girls been active on the slide, u
sing it as part of an obstacle race with the trampoline! I also baked a cake for her so that she can share it with all her friends at the park with their nannies. I didn’t get to taste the cake even, because according to B our nanny, everyone loved the cake and ate it all up!! And Finally, our cleaner, R, spoilt her even more with a lovely toy which she promptly opened and pl
ayed with but not forgetting to give him a big kiss thank you!
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