Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Splashing Good Time!

Finally, the good weather is here! And what great timing too as it was a(nother) long weekend. It is also the last of the super long weekends (we’ve had non-stop long weekends since end of April!!). The ‘traveling’ petting farm was also in town and Daddy took the girls to visit the animals. They were super thrilled to be able to pet the animals!

And then The Ms were also free, so they popped over for some great BBQing for 2 days in a row. We were so lucky! We had great food (Irish sausages yummy!) and great company. On the second day, A even helped Daddy with complete the flooring upstairs (while K and I watched the kids…. While sunbathing too!). and the Kids… oh the kids had a BLAST! Daddy took out the swimming pool (that reminds me, gotta go get another pool as this one
has had it already!!). The best part is,…. The slide that I’d bought for Seraphine’s birthday was a PERFECT accessory to the pool (hadn’t intended for it, but perfect!) The kids were all scrambling to use the slide to splash into the pool! I remember the summer when Bibou was two – she liked the pool, but didn’t quite like to have her head wet, and certside of the pool…. Oh but not our Seraphine. ainly didn’t liked to be splashed or have her head under weather. She’d just stand on the She was splashing and kicking in the pool with her head dunked in. She adored the slide and couldn’t wait for her turn again. At first, K or myself would have to lift her onto the slide (the kids were too lazy / impatient to get out of the pool and use the steps and so were just running up the slide to get to the top again) so she can slide down. She kept asking for “encore” (more), lifting her arms up to be carried. The bigger kids sure weren’t waiting for her (though they all tried to help her!). Finally, Seraphine got tired of waiting and decided that she was going to climb up the slide too….. and after one or two attempts, she was able to do it! Both K and I were a bit worried, ready to jump out of our deck chairs, but oh she was good. And soon she was climbing up and sliding down like a pro. In fact she loved it so much that she practically stayed in that pool most of the afternoon (long after the older kids got bored and came out)! She had loads of hilarious actions that made us laugh and laugh: she would sit on top of the slide and (imitating the other kids) try to wave her hand so that the others would clear away from the slide as she came down! Oh something that she loves to do in our room was jump up on our bed and land on her bum…something we do try to discourage of course! And so she was awfully pleased that she could do it over and over again in the pool (repeating 1,2,3 over and over again with us). She even got to jump in sync with Bibou!

Wonderful day! Enjoy these sunny, funny photos and videos!


Here's Seraphine first time on the slide. I love the way she uses her arm to wave everyone away - clearing the way for her slide down (so she doesn't knock into them).

After watching the bigger kids, she decided that she was also going to climb up the slide herself, without having to wait to be picked up. And she got it!

Jumping in sync with Bibou!!

Learning to kick in the water and then after hearing us say the word "STOP" all day, started saying it too!!.

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