Baby girl has grown up too quickly over the past month or so. She’s gone from a baby, literally to a strong, independent, stubborn toddler. She holds her ground very firmly. She knows what she wants and will not stop until she gets it. Fortunately, she’s easily distracted and so doesn’t normally go into big long tantrums… unlike someone we know. She’s EXTREMELY cheeky, really really cheeky. Sometimes it gets you so flabbergasted, but most times, you just can’t help but la
ugh out loud. She would say no, just for the sake for saying no, and laughs at you. She actually doesn’t care either way. She likes to go nah nah nah at you, and has occasionally stuck her tongue out!! She can roll her eyes, oh
and get this, if you are scolding her or ‘lecturing’ her, she pretends that she’s asleep! I kid you not. She will put her head down, close her eyes and pretends to SNORE!!! Ai. But she laughs. She loves to laugh and loves to make people laugh. She’ll do anything to make you laugh. You can hear from the video below, she has a most delicious and infectious laugh. She is very affectionate, loves to give and receive kisses. Most of all, w
ants US to kiss. For example, when she is in my arms and Daddy comes over to give her a kiss, she’d insist that Daddy gives me a kiss too! And she’d insist that it was on my lips (some
times Daddy likes to kiss me on my forehead…. And if so, she’d tap her little finger on my lips and look at Daddy sternly. Simply hilarious!) She, however, is not a cuddly person. So sad. Bibou loves to cuddle but Seraphine is too impatient for it. She’d wiggle out of your arms if you try and cuddle with her too long. The only time I get to hold and cuddle her is when she’s asleep or when she’s ill. Poor baby.
She does so like to ‘copy’ me, for example, when I leave for work in the morning, I have my handbag, my laptop bag, my lunch bag and sometimes another bag or two. So baby girl’s favorite thing now is, stuffing things into bags… she LOVES bags and slinging them across her shoulders, putting on shoes and waving to us, saying ‘byebye’. Simply delicious.
Ah yes, she loves shoes now. She can put her shoes on herself, most of the time, even getting them on the right foot. Of course, currently they girls are wearing sandals, but still, she needs to slip the shoes on, slip through the buckle and Velcro them down. However, she loves to wear other people’s shoes too….especially mine.
She does stand up for herself, and is a bit aggressive….no doubt all learnt from Bibou. She HATES it when Bibou whines and whinges… and so often goes up to her and smack her when she does it. I think she hates it ‘coz we hate it! LOL. Of course that just gets Bibou all winded up even more. Sigh. They both do get into snatching and smacking fits unfortunately! Arrgh. But like I previously mentioned, Bibou is still protective over her and loves her little sister. She would go up to her to cuddle or
for a kiss.
Seraphine is a chatty one. She picks up words and phrases quickly now. Watch the video for more Seraphine fun!
Oh before I forget... the girls got their ears pierced too! Bibou really wanted it so we went to the store. She was really really brave. Didn't cry at all! She was a little startled when it went it but not a peep from her. Seraphine did cry, but only for a very short time.
Well, that's it for now. I hope to be able to upload more pix and videos and news of the kids soon!