Saturday, January 27, 2007

Bibou's getting taller!

I forgot to mention on my last post that Bibou's just been to the doctors (for regular check-up). Doctor took the usual measurement and wow... has Bibou shot up. She's now 94 cm tall, right at the tip of the range for her age group for girls. She's at 97 percentile for her age group for her height. She's lost a bit of weight since our last visit, and is at 13 kg, or about 50 percentile of her age group.

It's been freezing lately! Going below freezing point some days. To keep her warm, I got her a cute, but very warm hat. She looks soooo cute in it. Take a look!

1 comment:

Wendy Fages said...

She's adorable!!! She gets around also, I see Latifa all over the place!!