What a month it has been... not for Bibou for my me. I've been extremely tired and what's frustrating me the most is that I was constantly falling asleep at the office. No matter what I did, I absoluately couldn't keep awake! It got really embarrasing and I guess tiring, 'coz I was fighting it. There was no way I could keep my eyes open. In fact, I think my lowest was when one day, I was typing an email, and fall asleep... woke up to realize that I'd fallen asleep with my finger on the backspace key and deleted my email in that time! It also didn't help that soon, I became so anxious about the problem that I couldn't sleep at night! That compounded the problem of course. This went on for about 2 weeks. I finally had my monthly doctor's visit and though it did say that 'this was normal' and would probably last throughout my pregnancy. He did however prescribed even more
vitamins, iron and magnesim.... which actually helped. I'm tired, but at least I haven't had the 'suddenly falling asleep at the office' feeling.

But enough of me... you want to know about Bibou. She's doing fine. Getting very very chatty. She can chat the house down. Though, most of the time, it's half French and half bibou's language. Her vocabulary grows each day, both in English and French. The poor dear has her back molars coming in, and isn't in tip top shape recently. She's had on/off diarrhea, coughing, red face for about 4-5 weeks already. This week, she's had high fever, and just is so whiny. She wakes up at night, every night and wants Daddy to slee
p with her. She's also getting very attached to her 'baby', a doll. She must have the doll with her to sleep every night. She gets really cranky when she wakes up too... just like her Daddy. It's difficult getting her ready in the mornings that's for sure!

But, during the day, she's great. Really sweet, chatty and obliging most of the time. She understands most of what is said or asked of her, whether in French and English, though if it is something that she really doesn't understand OR she doesn't want to do (most of the time), she'll have this fake puzzled look on her face and go 'HUUUUUUUHHHHHH'? She still loves giving lots of kisses and 'big hugs' (and I hope this stage never ends!). She can go up and down the stair
s by herself and makes sure that she's holding on to the rail. She's also able to brush her own teeth, put her shoes and slippers on, undo her scarf and jacket all by herself (but most of the time, we do it for her as we're always in a rush!). She can be quite demanding and persuasive when she wants something. She can cock her head at an angle, come to you, hold your hand, and command you (in a very sweet voice) to 'come' with her.

oday, she took out the princess chest and said... oooo 'pretty'. So I put a princess outfit on her and she really proudly went to Daddy (who was on the computer), stood in front of him (he's still busy on the computer), huffed and then went "REGARDE (look in french)...pretty!"She had a really proud look on her face. I fel
l over laughing. She's a laugh riot and a half.

Oh news on other baby. S/he's doing well (we go for our scan on 1st Feb and hopefully will be able to find out the sex then). Despite everything I'm going through (and I'm now quite ill with the flu), loosing a bit of weight due to all the throwing up, baby's doing great (whew!) and is growing well. We also don't need to do the amino, thank goodness. I wasn't looking forward to that! More news next week.
1 comment:
Karena, I used to fall asleep at the OECD every afternoon also, it was AWFUL! I had no idea it was about iron deficiency (I was pregnant with Madeleine, that didn't help) At job review time, it was the absolutely worst review I have or ever will have had. I remember in college I didn't ever schedule courses between 2 and 4, that was my sleepiest and least productive time during the day. I was a night classes chick. I hope in your case, the iron supplements are helping.
Josephine is so adorable!!
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