Saturday, April 28, 2007

Bibou helping in the garden

You can tell that I'm so excited about being able to upload videos lol! The novelty will wear off soon, but in the meantime, you'll ahve to put up with me posting lots of videos.

We should be having Dan and his family over tomorrow for gouter yipppeee! So Daddy went out into the garden to mo the lawn and get it ready for guests. We got the pool out too, 'coz it has been really hot. The water should be warm by tomorrow afternoon I'm sure.

While Daddy was working, Bibou and I were playing! We found a water gun and I had fun squirting Bibou hehe.

Here's one of Daddy and Bibou running round the pool.

And one of Bibou on the back of Daddy's bike, going to the park with Daddy. Oh and check out the last of the Wisteria on the fence. It's going going going gone soon!

Ok ok. I promise, no more videos (for tonight :)) after this batch! Here's Bibou showing off her finger painting 'talent'. She's learnt how to paint her hands with finger paint and then using her hands to paint.

Bibou and Daddy goofing around. She's definately her Daddy's girl. Loves to snack and loves her beer! It was really hot this afternoon. It's cooled off a little, but still warm. We've not had a drop of rain all April!

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