Thursday, April 12, 2007

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone. We just had our second Easter celebrations with Bibou this past week. Bibou still hasn't quite grasped the concept yet, or maybe she just isn't into it yet, but she had fun eating the chocolates :). We went to 2 separate events.

The first was at a fellow MESSAGE mom's place about 5 minutes drive away from us. There were about 10 moms and their kids there. There was a lovely large garden for the kids to play in and Bibou sure had fun, especially on the monkey bar. Bibou's getting really good at it, and in fact, she totally surprised Daddy and I by climbing up and down it really well. She's really very agile. Soon it was time to distribute the eggs, so all the Moms got the kids into the house and Daddy entertained them on the guitar while the 'easter rabbit' distributed the eggs around the garden. Then the kids were let loose. Bibou carried her beautifully hand made by a fellow MESSAGE mom Easter basket. It has her name on it and little duckies too. We tried to get Bibou to search for the eggs, but she didn't want to. Well, she found one and then was just happy to open it and eat it. She just wasn't interested in looking for more eggs! Well, that's good in a way 'coz we didn't need to pursuade her not to eat the tons of chocolate the rest of the kids seemed to have picked up. All of them had chocolately hands and mouths.

On Saturday, we went to the MESSAGE wide Easter Egg Hunt. We had about 530 + RSVPs! ( I know 'coz I made name tags for everyone!). We don't know how many people turned up, but gosh were there lots of people. Unfortunately, it wasn't a very beautiful day (it warmed up later though). We went round hiding eggs and soon the hunt started. Once again, Bibou still wasn't interested in picking up the eggs! Good thing too, I saw kids with BAGS full of chocolate. Tummy ache alert lol! Hopefully next year, Bibou would be more interested in picking the eggs, but I wouldn't be too upset if she still doesn't!

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