Well, a lot has happened since my last post. The very next day after our return, little angel had jaundice and and we were readmitted to the hospital that night. That got better, but then she had a fever that wouldn’t go away, so they did a battery of blood tests on her, including drawing fluid from her spine. They then sent the tests to the lab which took FOREVER! In the meantime, they said that she had some kind of viral meningitis and insisted that she stayed on wh
ile she was put on an IV drip of antibotics and other medication. Poor girly had needles poked everywhere, though they said that she was a really b
rave girl and didn't cry. She did keep pulling the drip out (I don't blame her!). I stayed with her throughout the stay (though they did say that I could go home and come back to visit - I balked at that idea!). It wasn't easy when day after day, they kept coming in to say that we couldn't leave. She was really tired and weak the first few days, but recovered quickly. Finally, after 6 days, we pushed and pushed (and helped by little angel who pulled the drip out again, and they finally said that her veins were too fragile to support any more drip and prescribed oral medication), and we were allowed to leave the hos

Kong kong and Mah mah are here and are enjoying little Angel, and especially Bibou's company. We're learning to adjust to our
new addition, though have to admit, it hasn't been easy. They'd been giving Angel the bot
tle (albeit filled with my milk that I'd pumped) and she's getting very lazy at sucking at the breast, thus she gets hungry very quickly as she's not getting sufficient from the breasts. I am going to keep trying and am determined not to give up breastfeeding yet. Anyway, here are some quick photos that were taken today. The weather has been really surprising yucky (so much so that we'd had to turn the heater on!). Hopefully it'll warm up nicely so we can go out to the parks and all... and take more photos.

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