Friday, September 29, 2006

Bibou's first day at "School"

Well, it had to happen! My girl's off to school. What a big girl she is. Ok, well, not really school. But it is her first full day at the creche. And she does it all alone.
In preparing the kids for their first year at 'real' school, Bibou's creche has the kids that are two years old this year, to attend a 'full day' at the creche, having their lunch and siesta at the creche too. They do this once a month until they are 3 years old in September next year.
So this morning, we got Bibou all dressed up and her hair all tied up. We put her new exercise book that I made for her, into her big school bag that mah mah and Kong kong got for her last year. She gamely put everything on her back, allowed us to take some photos and then off she went, on Daddy's bike. Apparently she had a good time today too, although she missed her ta-ta who left after half a day and cried a little. She was consolable though.
My Bibou.

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