Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Little Chinese Gal!

Ok, these pictures just had me in stiches! They were just soooo funny. Even more funnier when we were here 'live' with the show. We were having congee (rice porridge), and of course, all of us were using chopsticks while Bibou had her spoon.

Well, Missy decided that she shouldn't be any different from everyone else. If everyone can use chopsticks, well, by golly, so can she. She grabbed my chopsticks, and without even being taught how to use it, she managed to hold it fairly well, and even more amazing, she could eat with them. She managed to pick up some congee and put into her mouth and eat. And she was really tickled that she got it right too. It was amazing! She doesn't have the perfect grip, but it is a good start!
My little Chinese chopstick eater!!

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