Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas Everyone

It's Christmas already, and we hope that everyone had a great time, and that Santa Clause was good to you. Santa visited us late on Christmas eve, after Bibou went to bed, and filled the 'area' under the tree with lots and lots of presents. We couldn't wait for Bibou to wake up the next morning to see her reaction. 'Unfortunately', she did get up early! - at around 7.30 am, she was up and ready to go! So we all got up, got dressed and went downstairs.

She was really tickled to see sooo many presents that turned up overnight (she had about 7 prezzies to open that morning!). She was ooohing and aaahing for sure. Once we put a present in her hands, she really got the hang of opening them. She couldn't wait to rip them all open. We had to pace her a bit. We started off with a small present first, a small box of stickers. She's really good at ripping up the wrapping paper, though she gets frustrated with the sticky tape and looks to us for helping. With the stickers, she wanted to start using them, so I pulled out her paper book and she started filling a page with stickers. Daddy took the opportunity to run out and get some crossiants, pain au chocolate and a baguette (can you imagine? lathered with rich sweet butter and jam). OOOOhhh,,, it was a lovely breakfast when Daddy came home (quite quickly too). Everything was nice and warm, Daddy had a cup of cafe au lait and me a nice cup of tea with condensed milk (bad girl!). Bibou had her cup of milk, and we all sat at the table and had a gorgeous breakfast!

After breakfast, we continued opening presents. Bibou got a lovely dress from Mamita and Grumps, a leapfrog touch pad from Kongkong and mahmah. From us, we got her 2 different boxes of stickers, a playdoh set (which was a big hit, she loves playdoh right now and this set is a big barrel filled with about 10 different colored pots plus a fun factory bit), a potato head fix it up set and her favorite - a doll that drinks from a bottle (you fill it with water) and pees!! She was sooo exicted when she opened that (it was the last thing) and she kept going 'baby! baby!". She couldn't wait for me to finish tearing up the box to get to the baby. She (still!) kept holding on to baby and wouldn't get her baby go. She would keep feeding her baby the bottle too. In fact, she loved the doll so much that she kept baby with her when she and Daddy went to church! (I was really bummed that I couldn't go - I had to prepare lunch!). But she looked just soooo lovely in her gorgeous red dress, stockings and also her 'rabbit skin' coat.

(Oh and Daddy got a DVD box set of 'From earth to moon' - A Tom Hanks special, a thriller book, a pair of slippers and some warm socks (requested by Daddy), a nose hair trimmer (I had a hard time getting that! They laughed at me at the store) and a special key chain that had a picture of bibou engraved on it).

Yes, Christmas lunch - we were pleased to have the Lepages over for Christmas lunch. Daddy made his famous foie gras (prepared 3 days in advanced), and for the first time, I had a roasted capon, stuffing(gibblets, ground pork marinated, bread crumbs, mushroom, bacon, roasted chestnut, onion, garlic, celery), mashed potato casserole, roasted vegetables and roasted potatoes. I was really pleased that everything turned out great! We were all stuffed and had to wait for a while before we even attempted Kirsty's delicious lime cheese cake.

It was a wonderful day and what an end - Daddy sleeing on the couch with Bibou cuddling up to him (I was doing the dishes! but couldn't resist taking this shot)

We hope everyone had a great time!

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