Monday, June 30, 2008

BBQ Weekend

Yes, another video post :).... I'm so loving my new cell phone (thank you kong kong!!). Not to worry though, July is coming up, and the busy period is about to hit me, and hit me really good. So I'd probably be quiet for a while! So enjoy this post.

The weekend past was just gorgeous weather. Bibou had a birthday party to go to on Saturday and she totally enjoyed it. It was a girly party, all dressed up, with make up and pink flowers. She was quite happy to say the least.

But the best thing that happened this weekend for Bibou was Sunday. The Ms came over to spend the day with us. Oh, Bibou was just soo excited! (and she woke up in a great mood too as she didn't wake up till almost 10.00 am! She was so tired from the day before - no nap too). The pool was out and the kids just had a blast! Bibou got a very nice color too (despite being lathered up in sun block)

Angel's just been a laugh riot and a half as you can tell from these videos. She's a very fast learner and has discovered how to use the fork. Also, she once saw her big sister doing twirls, listening to Daddy's music, and guess what... she's now happily doing twirls, though she doesn't understand why she feels dizzy or falls down after doing a few of them twirls at the same time!

This is Angel using her fork already!

And a funny video of her doing spins!

A(nother) great BBQ lunch with the Ms!

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