Monday, June 23, 2008

The funny Angel

It has been just another week or so that has passed, but yet, the changes in Angel has been ...WOW! She's definitely walking a lot now, and is able to do it quite quite well, without falling much, or rather, she's able to fall down 'nicely', either on her hands and knees or on her bum. She's not had a lot of accidents, which is quite different from when Bibou started. Bibou's walking experience was longer and fraught with lots of falls, bumps and crying. Angel is just launching herself and its a go go go. I think the difference stems from Angel's deep sense of confidence in herself and determination in just about everything she does. She KNOWS what she wants and will stop at nothing at getting at it, mostly physically, (she will grab, pull and eventually hit, VERY hard, to get at something that you're holding from her). Unlike Bibou, she wouldn't whine to get something. She would, however, demand very loudly and quite forcefully for something. Along the same lines of walking, she's taken to walking with a stroller (a toy one!), using it as a support and can walk very rapidly with it. She's also started to climb on stairs!! And boy is she good at it. I mean, the videos that you see below of her climbing is probably her second and third go at it!

With her 8 teeth (though I think that she's got a couple more coming in as she's been waking up in the middle of the night again), she's been eating very well. In fact, so well that she's now beginning to reject her purees, preferring to eat 'real' food now. I'd made some fried rice, with lots of cabbage for Bibou last night, and lo and behold, guess who wanted it. And she finished up a big plate too! No more plain purees any more. That reminds me, I'd better warn the nanny LOL. She's also starting to experiment with different types of taste. Well, we are anyway :)... I'd let her try different things these days, just to see if she'd like it. most of the time, she's quite game, and she does like it! She loves shrimps for example hehe. Soon, I think I'm going to encourage her to try spicy stuff. however, again, true to her nature, if she doesn't like something or has had enough, don't even try to force it upon her. She'll let you know in straight away! She'd stick her tongue out at you and blow raspberries at you, sticking all the food all over your face! As if to say, "so there!"

So, there are a lot of movies this time round. It's just that movies really capture her expressions and cute actions that words fail to describe accurately. This is just such an adorable time. Enjoy these videos and pictures.

Here's Angel having a taste of Ice cream, deciding if she likes it or not (that weird face must have been 'coz it was cold), liking it and wanting more.

Angel rocking really high and hard on her rocking horse.

Angel walking with her stroller.

Angel launching off the chair and walking 'like a Frankenstein" to me (with bibou behind me encouraging her)

Here's Angel trying to climb up the stairs.

Eating fried rice with shrimp and lots of cabbage.

Finally, here she is, eating a muffin, announcing her appreciate of the muffin, listening to Daddy's singing and dancing at the same time!

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