Saturday, September 08, 2007

Bibou's first day at School!

My Bibou's all grown up now. She had her first day at school and all went very well. There were no tears or hesitation nor anxiety separation.. nothing. It was more of a 'can I go in now, can I can I, like WOW look at all those new toys". It was certainly a bittersweet moment. But we are very proud that she has settled into school so quickly. Of course, it certainly helps I'm sure, that Dan is with her and that both of them are confident and unafraid as there is something familiar in the room that allows them to be stressed free. Even their teacher has commented that they both were very inseparable. I think she was also hinting that they could be just a little bit too inseparable... ie, once one is up to mischief, the other is bound to follow very very soon. But she is a very very nice lady and in fact, many MESSAGE moms who have kids in that school all tell us that she's the best. And for that, we're grateful.

Bibou wasn't 100% toilet trained the first day.. and in fact, on the first day, she had her first accident in the coridor before entering class. Daddy quickly brought her to the (really cute) bathroom, sat her in the toilet and she did number 2 there! And didn't have any more accidents that day. Actually, if I remember correctly, she didn't have any accidents at school all week. They do take the kiddies to the bathroom very often.

After school, the kid's nanny, Giselle picks them up and takes them to (Dan's) home for a quick gouter and then, if the weather permits, off to the park to run some more. Very soon, Seraphine will be joining them with Giselle, when I return to work (in just 2 more weeks, boo hoo!). Giselle is a really super nice lady, it is obvious that she loves kids and is super good with the kids. She does a lot of activities with them etc. And she is experienced enough to handle all 4 of them! (hats off to her... as the 5 of us couldn't handle the 4 kids at Eurodisney!).

Anyway, no pictures of Bibou at school yet as we've not been organized. Here are recent pix of Bibou and Angel to make up for it.


Anonymous said...

Oh I LOVE that first photo of the girls!! :-)

BibouMummy said...

Thanks Pat! C took them while Bibou was watching telly. My favorite is actually the second one where both of them have a really cute funny face on them.