Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Last day of vacation - with Dan

Yes, it was the last day of vaction for the kids. They go to school the very next day on September 3. It wasn't too bad a day (ie, not raining!! it was cool when the sun goes behind the clouds), so we hooked up with Dan and his parents and we decided to go visit the jardin d'acclimatation! The two kids were so excited (as usual) so the car ride over the the jardin was filled with "where's dan?" but it wasn't all that long a trip and we got there fairly quickly. Ah the two 'lovers' (as Dan's Dad calls them), they rushed to each other and started gabbing non stop. They chased each other and were just so excited to see each other. We managed to get the kids to calm down and stay off the roads while we strapped the younger ones in their strollers and off we went. Fortunately, there weren't many people at the queues, probably a combination of it not being a very sunny day / next day is reentree (people coming back from vacation and preparing for school and work) / it was just past lunch time. So we managed to get tickets fairly quickly and into the park we went with the two great balls of energy. As they ran in, we took a different path that we had the previous time. And we came upon a great big area of animals. We saw many beautiful birds, farm animals like sheep, pigs, cows, and we even saw a brown bear (which didn't do much, just laid on his big tree branch and napped). With so many wonderful things to see and do around them, the most amazing thing was that the one thing that attracked these two was..... a big tree! They lost interest in the animals when they discovered this great big tree with big branches and they had a fantastic time playing tag and hide and seek! Well, tag with each other and hide and seek with the Daddies! LOL.

We had to hustle the kids so that we would be in time for the puppet show. Dan hadn't seen one before and Bibou really liked it...so off we went. It was actually a slightly different show than the one Bibou had seen previously, so that was good. Both of them enjoyed the show. After the show, it was gouter time (tea time), so we parked ourselves on this lovely patch of grass and had a bit
of picnic gouter. The kids finished first and began horsing around with each other... and that got Daddy going (he loves horsing around doesn't he ;))! And soon, the kids were all over him. Oh, did they have fun! He let them climb all over him, and then he stood up, but because they didn't want to let him go, he held them in a 'strong man hold'. It was hilarious and the kids couldn't stop laughing. Then Dan's Daddy joined in the fun and soon, they both had a child on their shoulders and they had a fight... though it wasn't much of a fight as the kids were almost collapsing with laughter while the Daddies soon became doing a dance. Ahhh, wonder who are the kids here.

Then Bibou and Dan went off to play on the playground. Gosh those two just don't stop. Up and down the slides, in and out etc. ANd with sooooo many kids around, it was difficult to keep track of them. It was a little scary sometimes when once in a while, the kids went off radar! Panic modes sink in and you search the area
widly. The enormous sense of relief that washes over you when you spot your child is indescribable, especially in current times of horrible news where you hear of kids being taken, kidnapped just within spilt second. I think one cannot be over protective of your child, but there is a fine line. I remember once when Bibou was not even two years old, we'd gone to Ikea (very large large area as everyone knows). Well, Bibou was getting antsy and so Daddy decided to take her out of the trolley seat so that she can walk on her own. Unfortunately, she slipped away from us for just 2 seconds and then we couldn't find her in any of the nearby asiles! She'd ran away, playing hide and seek. I was near in tears, running from aisle to aisle looking for her. Finally Daddy found her, really far away. The most scary part was, she wasn't worried or scared at all, unlike most kids who'd immediately start bawling when they can't fnd their parents. Apparently, she was just wandering around, looking at people and kept on wandering (though she knew by then that she was 'lost'). From then on, we keep a very very tight hold on her (not easy, thus we really very seldom bring her to the shops with us).

Golly, yes, I've digressed. Anyway, so next, as he'd promised the kids that they could go on 1 ride, so off we went to the 'fair'. The merry go round seems to be the only thing that Bibou will get on these days, so that was what we'd chose. She loves the horses and so she chose a shiny white one. She's really happy on it! The giggles she gives are magic. Then on the way out to the exit, we passed by the funny mirrors. Apparently, Dan hadn't been there, so Bibou brought him to it and showed him what fun it was. Very soon, they were both running from one mirror to another, pausing just a second to laugh hysterically at their distorted images. What fun! Then it was time to go home as the kids start soon the next day.

Ah...the lovers :

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