Saturday, September 08, 2007

My giggly bundle of joy

What can I say that I've not said before. She's a DOLL! She's generally a really sweet angel, and doesn't cry much except when she is sleepy and wants to suckle. I love the way she wakes up... not a peep! Just a little smile and she just looks all around her, exploring everything around her, and especially her fingers an thumbs. (Sigh, yes she's definately found her thumb and is sucking it! I was hoping that she would stay off her thumb, but t least she's not using a pacifier / dummy. That was 1 thing I really didn't want any of our girls to use, after seeing how awful it looked when 5 -6 year olds walking / running around with a pacifier in their mouths. It's a permanent fixture. Ewww! ) She has this adorable cooing sound that melts my heart and that's what I wake up to every morning. Coo, giggle, coo coo, . Sigh, but it won't be long that I'll be waking up to the darn blasting alarm wouldn't I. Sob sob.

She loves to giggle and laugh, even when she's alone by herself like when she's under her floor gym. She'd look up at it, give this funny kick kick dance and giggle to it. Yes, I forgot to mention that she does this hilarious wiggle kick routine when she's happy, and she'll giggle and squeal with delight at what she's doing. She's my funny gal. She loves going out in the pram and so I take her for long walks almost every day, mostly to either pick up Bibou from the park, or do some grocery shopping etc. Oh she's so happy to lie there (quietly though, as though she had so much to capture that she needed to concentrate on what she's doing) and observe everything that goes by (well technically that she goes by). She espescially likes to look at the leaves that sways softly in the air. She's mesmorized by them! But she'll still break way from their hypnotic movements if someone peers into her pram to look and coo at her (and a lot do, she attracks a lot of attention, even strangers!) and she will always oblige them with a great big smile.

Well my littke angel is fast becoming a little... sumo! Yes, we just returned from a doctor's visit for Seraphine. Since her last visit (a month and a half ago), she's grown 5 cms and put on almost 2 kg. She's now 62 cm (24 inches) and 6.8 kg (15 pounds)! ai yo yo. She's at about the 95 percentile for her weight. Even her doctor has commented that she's 'eating at a good restuarant' isn't she. (French doctor's humor). Well, she's still exclusively breastfed, and doesn't eat all the time now. She even sleeps through the night most nights (started when she was a week shy of her 3rd month birthday. I remember that night ... I woke up with a start and rushed to her bed to see if she was 'still breathing', wondering what was wrong that she didn't wake up to feed!). Yes, I say most nights as she still wakes up in the middle on the night sometimes. But mostly, she sleeps for about 9 hours straight. Bliss. I just have difficulty putting her down in the evenings. Sometimes it can take up to 1 1/2 hour!!

Well, here are some recent pix of my little adorable minx! And yes, she still has her 'punk' hairstyle. It just won't go down! What I like it! It's just soooo her! Enjoy.

Oh and here's a recent video of her smiling and giggling.


Anonymous said...

what a smiley little baby she is!
wish i cld have more smilely photos of josie. everytime i take out my camera when she's smiling, she'll stop and just stare intently at it. she sucked her fingers qt a lot when she was 3mth plus, but stopped herself abt 5 mths when she cld grab stuff.

give ur little angel a big kiss for me :)

BibouMummy said...

hehe, we are lucky with Seraphine, as she is very smiley and giggly (not so much now :(), much more than Bibou was when she was that age. What I find works is I get C to distract her and make her laugh and I quickly grab a few photos. I find that she too will get distracted by the camera and stop giggling. That's why I haven't been able to get some good videos of her giggling. Soon.
Big kisses and hugs to Josie from us too!