Monday, September 03, 2007

Baa baa black sheep

Ahhh, it was another fairly nice day and one of the last few vacation days for Bibou, so off we went for another outing. This time, we picked the Gally Farm as we've been promising Bibou that we'd go there, but we never did (well, we tried going there once with Kongkong and mahmah, but the farm was closed to the open public as they were only catering to school's field trips. In fact, we were actually driving behind this bus FULL of children on the road, and I was wondering if they were going to the farm, and when they did turn in, we literally ran to get in front of them. Needless to say, it was futile as we couldn't get in).

When we got there, Bibou remembered the place well, and got really excited about seeing the animals. She spared no time in running up to the donkey (it was fenced in), and searching for hay to feed him. However, still always at the last minute, she'd back away or drop the food when the donkey / sheep / goat (whatever animal that she was trying to feed) opened it's (big) mouth towards her. I tried showing her that you can place the food flat on your palm so that your fingers wouldn't get 'eaten' up, but she's still afraid. But she still had lots of fun picking up the hay and rushing to either give it to me / Daddy to feed or try to give it to them herself (and dropping it at the last minute - perhaps she thinks / hopes that the animal will snatch the food in time before it drops to the ground.)

After spending some time in the fenced area of animals, we moved to the big field where we got to enter a big pen of pregnant goats and little kid (baby goats, not children!). One thing we realized, it was very very quiet, probably 'coz it was already reentree or close to it. THere weren't many animals either. Which turned out to be a good thing as Bibou didn't feel too overwhelmed by them and was happy to move amongst the goads, pet them and finally try to feed them, but again, she'd always got scared just as the goat's mouth approached her hand. Daddy or I'd hold her hand and she'd be braver. Once Bibou was satisfied with playing with the goats, we left the pen to continue onto the other side. As we were walking, we heard this bleating sound and turned around in time to see this flock of sheep running loose. They were moving around finding the best place to graze. Bibou was just amazed by them. But then she caught sight of those little huts which she just adores and went off playing in them forever. We finally managed to pull her away so that we could take a little (really small) walk along the trail, but we rushed through it as she was really more interested in her huts. We let her play there for a while more and than it was time to go (not before browsing through their little shop and marveling at the different types of honey available!).

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