Sunday, August 17, 2008

Day trip with Molas to Jardin d'Acclimintation

Friday started out quite well! Bibou woke up in such a good mood. And she decided that she was going to dress herself up before going downstairs. And boy not only did she dress herself up, she did it really well! The outfit you see in the photos were all picked out by her and dressed ‘all by self’ as she proudly claimed! It also turned out to be really lovely day, despite what the weather man had previously forecasted! Wahoo. So we called our dear friends the Molas to see if they would like to do anything. We decided to hook up at the Jardin d’Acclimintation after lunch and boy was Bibou all excited about seeing Emma and Kealan! As it was a public holiday, the queues to get in were rather long and so we started to queue up, though Bibou had to go to the bathroom really baddddddddd. Daddy managed to persuade the ‘guard’ to let him and Bibou in while I continued queuing to get the tickets for all of us, including the Molas. Finally we’re in and great timing, the Molas’ turned up! The kids were just all so excited to see each other and then off we went. The first thing we chanced upon were the trampolines, and the kids all wanted to get on it! So off they went. Bibou jumped and jumped and jumped, and to think that only 2 months ago, at the very same place, she didn’t even want go near it, let alone jump on it. She was too afraid then. Now, she didn’t hesitate at all; she just jumped up and down at the cashier saying she wanted to get on! And when we paid up and she got on (it’s great, every kid gets their own ‘designated trampoline’ for 7 minutes so they could jump at their own pace safely (though I was fuming mad at the end, when Bibou was getting off; the next kid who was a much older boy just jumped right in and started jumping hard before Bibou could get off, she almost fell! And the Mom didn’t do anything about it! Idiots! You can tell from the video below how much fun she had.

As we walked along, we came upon a big playground / climbing structure. This was mostly for the ‘older’ kids, aged above 10 years old, as there was a huge climbing structure in the middle that looked most scary. But you know Bibou, first she just LOVES to climb; she can’t go past any thing without climbing it – a gate, a table, anything! And of course, if her friends were on the structure, by golly she’s certainly going on it. She got on confidentially and was climbing like a monkey. She did got stuck in a few places, but Daddy always managed to instruct and encourage her out of it. Funnily though, she still wouldn’t go down the slides, despite it not being too high nor steep. It was weird….

Anyway, off we went to the next adventure.
Well, first we had some ice cream :)…. Then the kids really really wanted to go pony riding (they’ve not stopped asking nor talked about it. Bibou remembered the ride from the last time and was just so excited!). There was, however, a really long queue, but Bibou waited so patiently in line. Not a peep, nor question on why we had to wait nor even complaining about queuing! I was simply globsmacked! Soon it was their turn and the kids got on and off we went on a little tour (it wasn’t really long, but the kids totally enjoyed it!).

After a long walk around, visiting the animals and birds (and having Angel simply amusing ever
yone around her, she’s just so cute and entertaining), we finally got on the rides part. This was what Bibou’s been waiting for, and off they went. I even joined Bibou on a number of the fast roller coaster rides. Bibou was so not afraid, and just had a ball of a time. She even loved the ‘boat’ ride that went round and round VERY quickly. Hmm, me thinks perhaps it may be time for Disneyland soon.

Quick lunch before our RDV... Angel saying yes to water and drinking it!

Bibou on the trampoline!

Bibou on the big roller coaster.

Here's Bibou on the very fast 'boat' spin that she wasn't scared (or sick!) at all. I was just amazed.

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