Sunday, August 10, 2008

First few days of our summer holiday

With nary a sound, I gratefully entered my long-awaited, much needed summer break a couple days ago! And boy have I been having a great time! Makes me realize how much I miss the kids and what I’ve been missing! My first day started out with FABULOUS weather… no cloud and great bright sun. It was nice and hot but not sticky and humid. Daddy had organized a little get together at a park in Paris and off we went, with a packed picnic, and Daddy’s guitar. We were met there by 7 other Moms and their children… Bibou had fun playing with old and new made friends. After lunch, I saw a couple of ponies and their keeper go by and I thought, hmmm why not? So I asked Bibou if she’d like to ride a pony… and she said YES… and wouldn’t stop asking about getting on the ‘horse’. Wow! So Daddy took Bibou and Ella down to the ponies and off they went, just 1 round, probably a couple minutes. Bibou wasn’t afraid at all, she was just so thrilled!! I can’t wait to get her on her next pony / horse ride!

I went to the hairdresser to get my hair trimmed prior to my hairdresser going on his own vacation. We had a lovely brunch at our friend’s pl
ace “Cuisine and Confidence” as it was just next door first and had everyone just entertained and tickled by our two clowns… especially Angel, who just keeps giggling and squealing at everyone, as she does. Then Daddy and Angel went home as someone was coming to fix the oven. And Bibou and I went off on our adventure. First we went to the English bookstore to get her a few books (I was worried she’d be totally bored), and we (I!!) got very lucky as there was a lovely ‘princess book’ that allowed you to make your own tiara and bracelet. That was a top choice! She was so excited about the book that she held onto it while we walked to the hairdresser, all the time, telling me about her princess. We held hands everywhere we went. She was so brave at the hairdresser, not moving (which is very VERY hard for Bibou as she cannot sit still for 2 seconds) and just enjoying every minute. When it was my turn, she very quietly (but excitedly) sat down and designed her tiara. Fortunately, the timing was just great… I finished just as she was finished, so off we went, hand in hand for a walk to Galleries as I wanted to try and find something and then take the train home (we didn’t in the end, as Daddy came and picked us up!). As we walked, Bibou held on tight to my hand and never left go. She just talked and talked all the way there. She even skipped and hopped at some point. What really touched me was, when we got home that night, during dinner, Bibou turned to me and said "me, I had fun today, huh (the French 'eh')". Awwww.

Yesterday, the weather was OK (it had been raining and thunder storming – in fact, some areas were flooded), so we decided to take advantage of it and went off to the chateau de Versailles for a long walk. We took a little rest by some flower beds (with great difficulty in stopping Bibou from picking the flowers – I ended up suggesting to her that she picked the pretty flowers on the grass (ie the weeds)). We took loads of photos there as we had fun just romping around! Angel was just hilarious, doing a funny dance and that sweet sweet hilarious giggle of hers. We continued our walk and finally came to a little tea shop where Daddy had some beer and Bibou had a huge ice cream sundae… Angel had finally fallen asleep on the way to the tea shop. After tea, Bibou wanted to go on a boat ride, but unfortunately, we were a little too late as they were closing up early. So we had to disappoint Bibou, but promised that we’d be back! We then headed back to the car, but it was a rather long walk back! All in all, it was a very long day for the girls, especially Bibou. They both fell asleep as soon as they got into the car. It was a quick dinner and off to bed for them. Bibou was sooooooooo tired that she slept for 13 hours straight! What a day!

Enjoy this batch of photos (I know that there are quite a number but there were just so many good ones taken that it was difficult to choose which ones!!). oh don’t you love the picture of Angel and Mika (the neighbor’s cat?) Her favorite expression right now is ‘OH’, (she actually says the word too), when she’s really surprised or when she’s been ‘naughty’ and trying to get out of it (like when she throws something on the floor and looks at you innocently going ‘oh’).

Little Angel 'following' her big sister, trying to jump on the trampoline! And to think that Daddy didn't want to get the trampoline when Bibou was 18 months old as he thought that it was too young!

Cheeky Angel saying yes to smelly cheese and water.

Bibou's first time on a horse. She was most happy!

Here's Bibou bouncing on her new bouncing ball (I got it 'coz there is a 'famous' picture of Daddy on the same ball when he was a little boy!!)

1 comment:

annette said...

Great post. I can totally visualize that famous photo of Christo and the blue bouncy ball - there might even have been som ice cream involved - or am I confusing two photos!!???... Have to admit that this does occur on occasion!!