Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bibou's Big Booboo!

Poor Bibou! Today, she fell, while climbing up the stairs (alone!! - well, behind Daddy), and tripped and fell. She cried a little, but enough for little Dan (her day-time companion at her nanny's) to run to her to help her, and tripping and falling and getting a little bump too! Sure wasn't a good day for ta-ta (French for auntie, which is what Bibou and Dan call her). She rushed upstairs with the kids (and Daddy in tow) and got out the cold compress, and creams etc. Good thing I wasn't there! I'd probably would have been quite upset... as I was already when I picked her up this evening and saw the nice big bruise on her face!

But, apparently, she didn't cry a lot, she just picked herself up and off she went again. She's such a tough little girl. She never dwells on failures, pains etc. She always gets up and go again... and sigh, I guess she also never 'learns' her lesson, as she just goes right back to what she was doing. She's awfully adventurous, and dare I say, a tom boy! Always climbing and exploring.

She can and will heed to you... but only when she wants to! Here's her putting away her toys into the shed. I was quite amazed to see her strength! She just picked it up and put it away! Golly!

ahhhhhhhh, my favorite time of the day... getting a big hug and kiss from my little darling Bibou. And she hugs really tight too (when she wants to of course!)

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