Monday, May 22, 2006

Sunday with the Molas

" Yippeee, the Molas' are coming over for a visit"LOL...the picture on the right does look like she's really pleased doesn' it! It's true though, that it has been a while since we've seen them. Bibou was in great form yesterday, excellent mood, was all bubbly and certainly quite friendly to everyone ie, not playing shy. Indeed, she was far from shy yesterday, as she showed off, and pranced and preened for our guests. She'd just woken up from her nap when they arrived, and she was all ready to go.

It was really funny to see her. She first got all excited when they arrived, and she started laughing and giggling at everyone. She showed the kids her toys and was 'talking' really loudly. She also started 'showing off' the words that she knew too.

Then came the really funny part! When we broke out into songs that she knew, songs with 'actions' that go with the songs. She had us all in stitches... as soon as music started (either me singing or daddy on the guitar), her hands are up ready to go with actions... And if it is a part of the song without actions, or it is a song she doesn't know or recongize, she'd be swaying her head and body to the music. She loves her music that girl.

Something new this weekend. We'd ask where's Daddy, where's Mummy and where's Bibou, and she will point to the right person!

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