Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Spring has arrived

Wow. well, that certainly worked. This could be really dangerous :) lol.

Spring has arrived. The flowers are blooming gorgeously. The tulips, always a blissful sight as they are normally one of the first to appear in the garden, are almost gone now. The picture on the left was taken just 3 days ago over the long weekend. Bibou's grown even taller than the tulips now.

The weather has really turned nice. We were out in the garden yesterday evening after dinner and were without our coats! I was just commenting to Christopher how quickly the temperature changes, as we were all wearing our coats the night before. We also just noticed that our neighbour's wisteria was in full bloom and gorgeous. Here's the pix of Bibou on our terrace with the Wisteria behind her. She's been climbing up and down those stairs all by herself. We will have to keep a closer eye on her.

I think we will have a much bigger 'harvest' of apples this year! The apple tree is blossoming a lot this year. It's great to see all the apple blossoms (as compared to the miserable 3 apples we had last year!... but then we knew it was going to happen as the tree was still 'young'). Lots of raspberries too... but the strawberry patch isn't doing too well. We'll have to see.

She's really affectionate girl. Loves to give kisses and hugs, and it warms our hearts when she does that. The big warm smile and the way her eyes light up when she sees you... makes you wanna drop everything and hug her to bits. The best feeling in the world is when you go down on the floor and open your arms really wide... she'll run from the other side of the room and jump into your arms and hug you. She also knows when she's hurt or upset you...She'll keep kissing and hugging you until you say it's ok.

She loves to laugh and giggle. She's really easy to 'entertain' as such. Here's a picture of her laughing really hard at her Daddy, who has a ballon caught high up in the tree and he was trying to get it down. It wasn't that funny, but I was laughing hard just to get her laughing.. and she started to join in.


The Entrepreneur's Wife said...

Great tulips! And what a cute face. :-)

BibouMummy said...

Thanks! We bought the tulips bulbs from Amsterdam a few years ago. They've been great.