Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Fussy but growing Eater

Ever since Bibou started to eat on her own, she's been a little bitdifficult! She won't let us feed her, but she sometimes won't feed herself, but prefers to play with her food. And she'll pick out what she wants, and play with the rest. Yesterday was no different! However, Daddy got tired of cleaning the floor after her meal, and since it was such a nice day, Bibou got to eat her dinner on the balconey. However, even with all the fussiness, Bibou's still growing! Her doctor's check-up this morning has revealed that she is now in the 97 percentile in her age group for her height (so less then 3% of girls her age are taller than her!), and about 50% of her weight. She still has a very small head though... less than 5%.
She did have a lot of fun really. She was in a really good mood during dinner. And treated us to large array of 'funny' faces.
She loves acting 'cute', singing songs and something new this week, putting her finger against her lips and going 'shhhhh'.

Shove the food in. Yum yum. Gotta love Mummy's home cooked chicken stew. (But what she loves most is the glass noodles that I add in there!).

Big kiss from Daddy.

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