Saturday, June 03, 2006

Bubbles in the Garden.

Finally! The weather has cleared up a bit. The sky was blue and warmed up a little bit on Friday, just in time for a little get together that I'd organized for my little speak easy class (a class at work that I lead in English conversations for the French employees).
So about 10 of us gathered in our (quiet envied our Parisien colleagues) garden and had a fun time snacking first while we waited for 2 more colleagues to arrive (who apparently got hopelessly lost the poor dears). We are totally entertained by Bibou and her new 'friend'.. Elise, the 3 year old daughter of Annabelle and Daimen. We brought out Bibou's kids sized table and chair which they both set on to have their dinner. Bibou managed to finish most of her favorite sussages (aparently Elise doesn't eat much!).
After their dinner, the girls had fun tearing around the garden! They were chasing all those huge bubbles that Daddy was creating from them. What a neat toy this is. It just creates these wonderfully big and copious amounts of bubbles. And Bibou was just having a ball of a time, She was squealing with delight, running around, clapping hands and chasing the bubbles. Shes always loved bubbles, but I think she got more thrill out of the fact that there was someone else to chase them with.
Indeed, once again, she showed how gentle and caring she can be when it comes to babies. Elise has a baby 10 month old sister (though she's one really hefty baby, and i think that she's almost as heavy as Bibou! now). She often headed to Ines, crying 'baby, baby'... gently carassing her and kissing her. It really got everyone going awwwwwww.

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