Saturday, June 03, 2006

Our Blooming Garden

We got the impatiently awaited rain at long last! So our little garden is starting to grow and at least look a little bit more healthy! This year, to prevent the weeds from poking through and making more work at the end of the season later, Daddy laid down some special sheets. You can see them in the pictures on the left here.
The roses are in full bloom, lovely colors. I brought some into the office the other day and gave a rose to each of the ladies there. They loved them! Oh and the mock orange is also in full bloom, the wonderfully white little flowers that hang down like
a little frame. Their scent is just soooo sweet and fills the air as you walk into the home. Even
Jennifere, yesterday as they were leaving the house last night, commented that the mock orange smelt sooo lovely that night... it just embraces you as you walk past. It's too bad that we only got to enjoy these flowers a few weeks of the year. But I guess that's why we really appreciate them when they come round.

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