Saturday, June 24, 2006

Fun day in Paris

Growing up, I'd never been on a carousel, or a merry-go-round with my folks (well, if I did, I don't remember it!!) and it has always been my dream to go on it with my child. So yesterday, I took a day off, and off we went into Paris. We headed for the Eiffel Tower as we knew there was one there, but when we got there, we realized that there was another on the other side of the siene that looked even nicer and quieter. We managed to find parking and off we went, all excited. It was a lovely one! a double decked one. Daddy got tickets (even got us 3 rounds of tickets each yippee!). I got on with Bibou first. We chose a horsy for her..there were no restrains whatsoever, but she was soooo comfortable on it. She wasn't afraid at all. She hadn't been on one before, so didn't know what to expect, but she knew it was going to be fun! She hung on to the pole in front of her (I WAS also holding on to her for dear life, afraid that she might fall or something). Once it started and the horsy went up and down, she was soooo tickled. She laughed and laughed and laughed. Then she caught sight of Daddy taking photos and starting screaming in delight and pointing at Daddy. Oh she didn't want to get off when the music stopped.
Fortunately Daddy had gotten a bunch of tickets so we stayed on. Daddy got Bibou off the horsey and put her on an airplane, he hopped on a horse himself and off they went. Round and round. Then Daddy decided to horse around himself! That was a bunch of really great photo opportunity lol.
After the ride, and as it was a hot day, we got some ice cream. Yum yum. Little Bibou's an expert at eating ice cream (gotta wonder how much ice cream Daddy and daughter have been eating this past week!). She can hold the cone on her own (which is fortunate as she would not allow you to hold it for her anyway), lick the ice cream really neatly too. She finished the whole cone by herself (I finished the rest!).
After all the treats, we noticed that there was a children's playground nearby and went on to visit it. Oh my lordy! It was PACKED. There were soooo many kids and their nannies, mommies / daddies. It doesn't seem to get like that in Antony. Golly. But it didn't fazed Bibou at all and off she went, trying to blend in and try the different activities. Daddy found a mini 'rock-climbing' structure and hoisted her onto it, just for fun... but golly, what do you know, she was able to climb up! She's got such great strenght and unlike her Mummy, wonderful balance. I was certainly impressed! She ran around, up and down the ladders and slides and totally exhuasted herself. She had a long nap in the car!

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