Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Extreme Cut

Well, summer's here, and just in time. I finally did it. I cut my hair. What do you all think? First is all the hair I had the night before the cut... and the cut itself. It's very different, and wasn't what I had envisioned, but I told Peter, my new stylist, he had free rein... he could do whatever he wanted, that he saw would suit me. With a big grin, he did.
Must say, I was a bit shocked and upset when I first saw the cut, but I've gotten used to it. It's been great being able to wash my hair and having it dried almost as soon as I get out from the bathtub!


Beau Lotus 涟 said...

I think the cut suits you! Makes you look spiky, younger and more alert :-)

I got mine cut too in Singapore (only my neighbourhood hairdresser knows how to cut my hair) and am sad that it's growing out so quickly.

BibouMummy said...

Thanks! That's what a lot of people say. And I must admit that the cut makes me feel younger too! I don't have all that hair 'dragging' me down.

btw, really really missed you! Didn't know that you went back to Singapore..was wondering why you were so silent on your blog.