Monday, June 26, 2006

My Mini Me

Gosh, Aren't these like the funniest pictures ever? She's such a mini me! She loves to observe and then imitate. I guess she sees me too often on my laptop! I was in the kitchen making her dinner, after having set up my laptop. She noticed that it was 'empty' and just hopped on. She started typing on the keyboard, and moving the mouse! That was simply hilarious.
She's in a very good mood today. I think being at ta-tas today, after a long 10 day break did it! When I 'deposited' at ta-tas this morning, both she and Dan were squealing with laughter, like they were long-lost pals. I guess 10 days is long for them. Before we even got to the front door, Bibou was all excited. When we were in the car getting to ta-tas, I just told her that she was going to ta-tas today. She immediately got all excited, and couldn' wait to get there. She was banging on the front door to be let in. Tonight, she ate very well, gave everyone kisses and hugs. We went to the park and she ran around and climbed up and down.... even played hide and seek with us. She fell asleep very promptly tonight! My little mini me.

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